Who Told You That You Were Naked?

Y’all ever had that dream where you go to school or work, and everybody is laughing at you, then you look down and realize you are naked? At that point you are embarrassed, and you are trying to hide. Have you ever wondered if that’s how Adam and Eve felt in the garden? Granted, they were the only PEOPLE in the garden, but we already know the snake had been talking to them. Do you think the bears were surprised? Do you think the deer were pointing and snickering? “Look at her! Not only is she funny looking with no fur, but she has got to be FREEZING!”

Pretty much everybody is familiar with the story of Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis. Most non-Christians even know the story of the snake and the fruit and the banishment from Eden. When we think about the “original sin” we think of it as disobedience to God, and rightfully so. God told Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that grew in the middle of the garden. But when the snake sidled up to Eve and started talkin’ smooth, she not only ate, but she gave some to her husband. They blatantly disobeyed God.

But disobedience isn’t all there is to it. It’s not JUST about disobedience. The sin also had to do with judgment. Specifically, man’s desire to judge right and wrong for HIMSELF. THAT, my friends, is the original sin. If you boil most of the other sins of the world down, that’s what you have waiting for you in the bottom of the pot. We want to decide. We want to say what is right and what is wrong. We want to see what is most convenient for our circumstances and bend the rules to match our wants and desires.

God TOLD Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree. Pretty simple, right? That can’t be too hard. But, upon further contemplation (and some well-placed conversation from the snake) Adam and Eve decided that THEY knew what was best. They CHOSE NOT to believe God when he said, “Don’t eat from the tree, you will die.” But they wanted to decide for themselves.

“Actually God, I have decided that MY truth is, I like the fruit from this tree. It tastes good, makes me feel wonderful and is great in cobbler.”

Does this sound familiar to anybody? Doesn’t it sound like our current society? God has TOLD us what is right and what is wrong. He has laid it out for us in His Word. But culture tells us, “Find your own truth. Decide for yourself. If it works for you, it must be okay.” Our world has tried to sell us a bill of goods, y’all. It has tried to sell us on the idea that there are no moral absolutes, that nothing is RIGHT for everybody or WRONG for everybody. We take what is sinful, and not only practice it, but we RELISH in that practice! When REVEL in the sin!


Does adultery sound good for you? “Then it must be okay. People do it all the time. You deserve to be happy.”

Does pedophilia turn you on? “Well clearly that’s how you were born and it’s just another way to LOVE. Do whatever makes you happy.”

Does your neighbor have something you want? “Just go take it. It’s not fair that you don’t have it, and he doesn’t need it anyway. When you have it, you will be so happy!”

Are you inconveniently pregnant? “It’s a safe and loving thing to do, to not bring your unwanted child into this world. Not having that extra burden will make you feel so light and happy.”


Or how about this…


“It’s certainly not a choice I would make, but I support your right to make that choice. You should do what makes you happy.”

“You do you, because it’s got nothing to do with me. Who am I to interfere with your happiness?”


FIND YOUR OWN TRUTH” is what we are told. What a bunch of baloney.

Are we even listening to ourselves??

When did we put TRUTH on a sliding scale?


If the Word says it’s wrong, then it’s wrong for me, it’s wrong for you, it’s wrong today, it’s wrong tomorrow and it will still be wrong a week from Thursday. We like to think we are so far removed from Adam and Eve. We are so advanced in our ways. We like to think that making these decisions for ourselves makes us WISE and INTELLIGENT.

What it REALLY makes us is disobedient and foolish. We might as well be standing right there, naked, in the garden with Adam and Eve. We have taken it upon ourselves to determine TRUTH. It’s as if we think if we repeat it long enough and loud enough it will become reality.

Y’all, repeating a lie long and loud will only wear you out and make your throat hurt. It doesn’t change a THING.

God is not making up arbitrary rules just to frustrate you. When he tells us not to do something, it is for our benefit and safety. As a parent, I don’t go around making up rules for my kids JUST BECAUSE. Who wants to enforce all that? When I make a rule, it is because it involves something important, and because I love my child and I want what is best for her. Even if she doesn’t understand that at the time. Is God not infinitely wiser than we are? Doesn’t He have our best interests at heart?

God’s Word is true. What he calls right, will always be right. What He calls sin, will always be sin. Even if I don’t like it. Even if you don’t like it. Even if we stand up on social media and the TV networks and in front of huge crowds day in and day out and repeat our own “TRUTH.” The fact is that if it doesn’t line up with the word of God, we will just end up tired and hoarse, and standing naked in the garden, embarrassed, and looking like an idiot.


Hebrews 13:8 KJV    Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Isaiah 5:20-21 ESV    Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and shrewd in their own sight.



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2 thoughts on “Who Told You That You Were Naked?

  1. Yes, we will ALL stand before HIM one day for our decisions, but if we ask, he is still full of mercy and grace. Thank you for the reminder.

  2. Angela Rhinehart August 22, 2019 — 3:57 pm

    Such a good word and a reminder of who is The One that Loves All Of Us and gave His Life for All.

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