It’s All Good!

“And God saw that it was good.” Genesis Chapter 1

When reading the creation account in Genesis, we read these words: “And God saw that it was good.” “Good” in English basically means pleasing or satisfying. However, as with most words, the Hebrew meaning is much, much deeper. “Good” or “tov” in Hebrew, means to be useful or purposeful. Functional. It means to function as desired or designed. There is a biblical principle here, that when something is WHERE it is supposed to be and is FUNCTIONING in the way that God intended it to function, He calls it good. So when God spoke creation into being and said it was good (tov) He was saying that everything WORKED. He was saying that everything functioned as, and where, and for the purpose, He had designed or intended it to.

For example, in Genesis 2, when the Word talks about the tree of good and evil, the word “good” there is “tov,” but the word that is translated “evil” is “ra” which would more accurately be translated as “dysfunctional.” So, again, God calls things GOOD (tov) that are where they are supposed to be and functioning as he intended, and conversely, He calls things evil or wicked (ra) when they are NOT where they are supposed to be or NOT functioning as the Creator designed them to function. In that manner, anything that is not “working,” as it were, or not functioning properly would be subverting the authority of God, and thus under rebellion.

We know that the enemy loves to throw a wrench in the works. He loves to counterfeit things. He likes to cause things to work improperly and not as God has designed them to work. Take, for example, sex between a husband and wife. God designed that. He designed it to be something enjoyable inside the confines of marriage. He wants us to be intimate with our mates. He wants us to enjoy each other and our relationship. But Satan has counterfeited that act. He has introduced sin and lust into the equation and now we have sex being plied in many other situations that God never intended. So when sex is something that happens privately between a married couple it is good. It is as it was designed to be. When it’s not, it’s “ra,” it’s dysfunctional, it’s not as the Creator intended.

God is NOT a cosmic, omnipotent, party pooper. It’s NOT that he doesn’t want us to have any fun. He is protecting us. He wants it to go well with us. Think of your own children. Do you just randomly make up rules to keep them from having any fun? Of course not (although your children may tell a different story). It’s the same with God. He knows how the male and female human brains work (He designed them after all), and He knows that sex creates a tie to another person. He wants us to be linked intimately only with our helpmate, our spouse, and not with every bad date and failed relationship we’ve ever had. The enemy’s way never works well. It may seem like things are going okay at first, but there is always a malfunction down the road. In the case of sex, when we operate in lust, we fill our minds and hearts with images and thoughts that can make it difficult to connect fully and completely with our mate in the way that God intended.

God created things to be functional. “Beauty + function” is not a concept that began with modern designers. God is the ORIGINATOR of “Beauty + Function.” There is nothing in His entire creation that does not have a function (even though, as humans we are still discovering what some of those functions are). He called His creation good. It was working.

Think of yourself as a machine. All the parts were custom made, hand-assembled by a master machinist, and you are now oiled and running well. Right now, it’s all good. But maintenance is important. Are you growing spiritually? Are you studying the Word and praying – seeking God? When things do break down and malfunction, are you taking the time to see what’s wrong and making the necessary changes and repairs? Are you asking the master machinist for help? Personally, sometimes when things are all functioning well, I think, “Lord, you must have McGyver-ed me back together with some chewing gum, a candy wrapper, and a straw this time, because I didn’t give You much to work with, and I have no IDEA how You got everything running! But You did!” Can y’all relate?

Here are real questions we should be asking ourselves: Am I where I am supposed to be? Am I where God called me to be? What are my gifts? Am I operating in them for the kingdom? AM I FUNCTIONING IN THE WAY GOD DIVINELY DESIGNED ME TO FUNCTION?

Now, everything in our lives isn’t always going to be going the way we would like it to go. We won’t ALWAYS have ALL our ducks in a row, sometimes you will have a few that are trying to waddle off. That’s life. But the point is to stay the course. Pay attention to what you are doing and where you are doing it, and WHO YOU ARE DOING IT FOR. Are you building the kingdom? If you are, then it’s all good!


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1 thought on “It’s All Good!

  1. Angela Rhinehart October 11, 2019 — 4:15 pm


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